Monday, June 17, 2019

Watchdog and the Dragon Slayer

Texas Bluebonnets 2019

McIntosh, W. (2017). Watchdog. Delacorte Press.

Overview: My summary for this book I created a sketchnote. 
Sketch-noting is a fun way to think about the book I was reading. I divided the chapters up so I could reflect as I read. My drawings are not perfect, but my thinking is sound. :)

Level: Middle Grades
Reading Level: 4.8
Genre: Science Fiction

Story Map Customizable Lesson

Hernandez, J., Campoy, F. I., & Ada, A. F. (2017). The dragon slayer : Folktales from Latin America. TOON Books.

Overview: The Dragon Slayer is a collection of 3 folktales from Latin America. The stories are told in graphic novel format. Latino culture celebrates strong women which is portrayed in these two of the three folktales in this book. The Dragon Slayer is about the beautiful daughter whose sisters are jealous and get her kicked out of her house. She has to find her way and she does.  Martina Martinez and Perez the Mouse is a girl who is looking for a husband. She finds Perez the Mouse. He does all the cleaning for her and one day he falls into a pot of soup. Martina does not know what to do. Thank goodness their is a wise old lady who can help. Tup and the Ants is the last story. Tup is lazy and his father-in-law does not think highly of him. He and his three brothers are sent out by their father-in-law to clear land. Tup meets some Ants. They make an arrangement, Tup will give the Ants his food if they clear the land. Then they make another arrangement the next day with planting seed. Tup's brothers do not fair so well. Tup comes up on top and shocks everyone. Brains can out wit muscle every time.

Level: 2-6 grades
Reading Level: 3.2
Genre: Graphic Novel and Folktales 

Publishers Website
School Library Journal Book Review

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