Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Ninjabread Man

The Ninjabread Man
by C. J. Leigh
Pictures by Chris Gall

I love the story of the Gingerbread Man and all of the variations on this traditional tale. I read several different ones throughout the school year to my pre-kindergarteners. I found a new favorite and my students loved the story. After reading we did two GoNoodle dances - Ninja Training by Koo Koo Kanga Roo! and Cookie Boogie. The kids had a blast.

Summary: The twist in this variation is the sensei wants to reward his ninjas by baking them the old age recipe of the Ninjabread Man. Of course as always the gingerbread man or in this case the Ninjabread Man always escapes from the oven before the baking time was finished. The sensei sends a warning to his ninjas. They all prepare for the greatest challenge of their lives. Ninja Bear, Ninja Snake, and Ninja Mouse were no match for the Ninjabread Man. The Ninja Fox of course out wits the Ninjabread Man and enjoyed a taste treat.

Adult Coloring Books

The winter break is over and I am reflecting on my time off from teaching. During my time off in the past I usually read multiple books. I decided to watch Hallmark Holiday Movies and color in a new Holiday Coloring book. I feel well rested and my creative juices are in full swing. Not just novels can captivate our attention and imaginations. I found the coloring books to be a nice change of pace and allowed my creativity to blossom.

If you need a change or a break from traditional books, I highly recommend the new adult coloring books. 

I hope you enjoy my simple holiday coloring pieces I have scanned to my page.
Happy New Year!